Find Candle Meditation

For many of us, it is easier to concentrate on something while meditating rather than trying to focus on a mantra or imaginary object which is sometimes suggested in other forms of meditation. We’d like to introduce you this eye opening method of meditation.

1. Choose a quiet space where you will not be disturbed and put your phone on do not disturb

Low light is best for this type of meditation so if you’re meditating in the day, close your curtains. Make sure your candle within eye level of where you are sitting and is around 2 feet away. 


2. We also recommend that you have some ambient music playing whilst you meditate

We have put together the perfect 15 minute meditation playlist, which you can find here.


3. Place the candle on the surface and light it

Wait around 15-30 minutes before you start your meditation so the essential oils can fill the room.


4. Start playing the Find Meditation playlist, now you’re now ready to meditate

As you gaze into the flame, breath. You need to focus on the sensation of the light flowing, with each breathe inwards. As the time passes your focus on your surrounding will disappear and all of your awareness will be the flame.  If you get distracted, or even if your eyes start to water, simply return your focus back to the flame. The playlist will stop after 15 minutes.


5. When your meditation is finished, lay down, close your eyes with a blanket over you, for a further 5 minutes.

This will allow your mind and body to come back into the room you’re in. 


6. Let us know how you found Candle Meditation